Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Opinion, Douche Bag A: Keith A. Fink respresenting Douche Bag B: Ida Ljungqvist..?

Keith A. Fink Ida Ljungqvist
(2009 Playmate of the Year)

So once again the "super" attorney he thinks he is: Keith A. Fink starts blabbing with his big mouth like he always does trying to use his lame PR stunts backing Playmate of the Year: Ida Ljungqvist up. Currently Ida is being sued by a Katrina Kantner a mother, claims that Ljungqvist stole and recieved money as well as accepted gifts from her soon to be ex Doug Kantner that belonged to child support. Seems like a legal case of collusion. What is interesting is Ida is upset that she cannot support her "charities" long term and raise money for them. Ida also states through her lawyer (Fink, that she and Mr. Kantner are "just friends" and met on "business through Playboy parties." I'm sure it was much more than "business" and the truth will come out. If you read what her attorney Fink says that Ida never took "money" but didn't rule our gifts and other things. (Friends my ass) What seems funny is Ljungqvist's husband filed for divorce which many news outlets reported, and something tells me Mr. Kantners involvement with Ljungqvist was a big factor. If you know math, just add things up.
Question is:
What charity would use a G rated porn star who spreads her private parts and areas in a magazine with nude photos everywhere as someone to use?

Then Keith Fink blabs on about this and about that. But of course the sentences start out as "Keith Fink says.....(maybe someone wants their name really plastered everywhere online so search engines can pick it up) Basically using Ida's "charity" to cover up the facts and blow a smoke-screen tactic from the truth.
Seriously this guy has so much crap about him online, it's no joke. Blogs, comments and others call him the "Serial settlement Attorney" who basically likes to "shake" others down for straight hard cash. He also is claimed to "use the media to try gain publicity for himself and leeches onto other celebrities to inquier gain for himself. Keith A. Fink blasted in some cheap non well rehearsed interview he would:

"As for this lawsuit she will take no prisoners. After she prevails in this litigation we will sue Ms. Kantner and her attorney for this malicious lawsuit”

Maybe the new slogan should be: "sue sue sue thats all I do, I need money I'm coming after you."

Fink also states: “we live in an age where many people reach conclusions based on what appears as the first google search article." Hmmm thats funny who is he talking about? Ida or himself. Because when I googled his name, much was negative. That's ironic. (list below)

What a smart guy just blabbing on and on and on. Keith Fink & Associates got into some serious trouble with American Apparel, the clothing line. Where they felt they got ripped off and Fink had to own up to it.

The point is, taking a guess but this guy most likely is not the most well liked lawyer and we don't mean because he is scary good. He most likely isn't liked because just like his "clients" lawsuit, (as posted on TMZ) many see right through this guy. I'm sure once again like he always does, Fink will try to leech onto the Playmate for more "exposure". This dude even has Ida w/ her picture on his website like he is sooooo proud that he sold Ida out to the media the first time around in her divorce case. Maybe guys around Ida like to put trophies of her up somewhere and be proud of it.

This dude uses his status of "Lawyer & Attorney" to feel he is better than and can "scare people". Honestly, when you have lawyers trying hard to post articles about themselves and other things to look like a "hot lawyer stud", your a complete douche bag. Ecspecially when much of it is negative just like Ida Ljungqvist. Then you must be just plain stupid.

Whats even more mind blowing and e-mail sent from Keith A. Fink via his AT&T blackberry phone:

"Joyce- Don't even try me. I will not respond to another e-mail again from MSK. You don't pay me by Feb 7th Im blowing this whole farce wide open. Then you can try the case against me and deal with the media knowing that you wanted to pay sever fogures to sweep this under the rug. So try me. I have honored the agreement. You want to mess with me just wait and see what happens." (
Sounds like extortion to me. Triple douche bag.

What people say about Keith A. Fink:

-Keith Fink: The Worst Lawyer in Los Angeles What do you have to do to become the worst attorney in all of LA? Just ask Keith Fink.

-The Finkster Blackmailer, dog snatcher, and smells of rich mahogany

-Suit Against Keith Fink for Illegally Taperecording for Extortion (Court Documents)

-The Story behind American Apparell's sham Arbitration: (article, WallStreet Journal blog)

"Keith Fink is ruining people’s lives and costing my Daddy millions of dollars that he’ll never get back. He’s not just some sleazy lawyer, there are lots of those. I see him as a terrorist asshole who lies and fabricates evidence. If the actual media won’t report on it then I’ll just say it myself. I SAY KEITH FINK BELONGS IN JAIL. "
( street carnage)

-"Keith Fink is currently under investigation by the California State Bar for his involvement in the scheme".
-"So we write about Keith Fink and voila! His smear ad appears on our site. " (

-Keith Fink - Dirtiest Lawyer in Los Angeles? (title) "Keith Fink, a lawyer in Los Angeles, apparently has a lot of people upset at him over his conduct. : (

-"From every source I've seen, the entire agreement was constructed AFTER the plaintiff Mary Nelson confessed that the allegations were fabricated - at least, all the sexual ones. I believe Portfolio has Keith Fink admitting the charges were bogus. It is in no way corrupt that they two parties agreed to an arbitration hearing knowing the results in advance since they had a confession on the table. " (

-The Kieth Fink files: The Legal Antics of Keith A Fink, a compendium of documents, fines and frivolous lawsuits (court documents)

American Apparel Out To Prove Rival Lawyer Is The Real Scumbag (title)

-Ida Ljungqvist (perez revenge)

Against Keith A. Fink ( hundreds and hundreds of more bad things about this lawyer

Seriously though. Are you kidding me?

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